Cryptin-IT provides training services that address the technical and human elements of your organization to ensure you’re operating in a secure environment. Our training improves your employee’s security awareness and also help mitigate the risk of Social engineering. This it is an easy and cost-effective way to make users aware of the need for security.
The human factor is a major cause of security breaches and SECURITY is not complete without U!
Our Security Awareness teaches your employees the fundamentals of security and helps them to recognise the threats and vulnerabilities of their company’s information assets.
The concepts that the employees will learn understanding the importance of password complexity, what a web browser SSL certificate means, different types of social engineering attacks including Phishing emails, tail-gating, phone-based and in-person and social media attacks.
The programme has been developed using elements from our highly regarded hands-on technical training courses bespoke packages to suit different work environments. More about the training content.
What Is In It For You
- Mitigate the risk of a cybersecurity breach
- Instil proper behaviour into the people who come in to contact with your valuable assets
- Protect your brand and reputation and avoid the resulting media attention
- change in end-user behaviour, which changes corporate culture
- Promote proactive employee behaviour to better protect information
- Help decrease the risk of loss and disclosure of vital data
- Meet regulatory requirements specific to security awareness training